Manchester United news: Mourinho wants BABIES for supporting Chelsea win!

Manchester United’s season has been marked by a lot of disappointments. Jose Mourinho’ s team has been in the middle of the table for a long time. The previous season, the team was in the Champions League zone and won the Europa League. The new season is still far from being over, but the team has already managed to win the FA Cup.
The previous season was not the best for the Red Devils, because the team lost to Manchester City in the EPL final. The team also lost to Liverpool in the League Cup final.
However, this season, Manchester United looks much better. The players are in great shape, and the team is ready to fight for the title. Mourinho” s players are ready to win, because they have the best lineup in the league.

The team is also in good shape in the Europa league, where the team won the first round. The main rival of the Red devils is Chelsea. The Blues have a good lineup, too, and they are ready for a fight. The last time the two teams met was in May, when the Blues won the title for the third time in a row.
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Chelsea’ results in the Premier League
The season of the English Premier League is almost over, and it has already become clear that the main contenders for the champion title are Manchester City and Liverpool. The teams are in the top four for the first time in three years, and this is a good thing.
In the last season, Liverpool was the main contender for the championship, but it lost to Chelsea in the final. This time, the Blues are in a better shape, too. They have a better lineup, and their players are more motivated.
Manchester City is also a contender for gold medals, but its chances are not so high. The squad of Jose Mourinho is not very strong, and many of its players are injured.
If the team wins the Premier league, then it will be able to enter the Champions league. This will be a great opportunity to show the best performance, and to win a lot.
Chelsea’ Premier League Results
The new season of English Premier league has started. Chelsea is the main rival for Manchester City. The two teams have a lot in common, because both of them have a strong lineup.
Liverpool is a little bit behind the team of Jose’ Mourinho. The coach of the team did not make the best use of the players, and he did not show a good performance.
Despite the fact that the team managed to finish in the first place of the league table, it was not enough to win gold medals. The Red Devils are not in the best shape, but they are still able to fight against the main rivals of the club.
One of the main reasons of the defeat of Liverpool was a lack of motivation of the Blues. The club leaders were not in their best shape.
It is also important to note that the players of the Merseysiders are not the only ones who are not at their best. The Chelsea players are also not in a very good shape. The following players of Mourinho‘s team are not very effective:
* Eden Hazard;
* Willian;
* Willian is injured, and Willian’ has to be replaced by Willian.
All of these factors can lead to the defeat in the match with Liverpool.
Live scores of the matches of the Premier leagues
The football season has already ended, and now it is time to look at the results of the competitions. The Premier league is the most popular championship in the world. It is worth noting that the top 4 is already decided, and there is a real fight for gold.
There are many teams that are not able to compete with the main favorites of the tournament. The most interesting teams are:
1. Manchester City;
2. Liverpool;
3. Chelsea;
4. Arsenal.
Each of these teams has a strong squad, and each of them has a good chance to win. The leaders of the teams are able to make the most of the situation, and if they succeed, then they will be the main candidates for the victory.
Follow the live scores of all the matches that take place in the English championship, and then you will be aware of the results.
Main rivalries in the championship
The main rivalries of the championship are the following:
• Manchester United vs. Liverpool. This rivalry has already been mentioned above. The game between the two clubs is one of the most interesting in the history of the game. The rivalry is not only about the title, but also about the performance of the leaders.
• Manchester City vs. Tottenham. The City team has a very strong lineup, which is able to decide the fate of the match.
Other teams in the fight for a place in top 4 include:
· Chelsea; and
· Manchester United.
These teams are not as strong as the leaders of their rivals, but their squads are also quite strong. The season has ended, but there is still a lot to be played.